In order for your Sonic-FX™ purchase on Amazon to come with our 90-day warranty, it must have been purchased from Sonic-FX™ on Amazon and not a third party unauthorized seller. Sonic-FX™ is currently the only authorized seller of our products on Amazon.

If you purchased a Sonic-FX™ on Amazon and you're not sure if it was from Sonic-FX™, click here to start a new ticket for your inquiry—be sure to provide the following information:

  • Order number
  • Purchase date
  • Buyer's full name on the order
  • Ship-to address on the order
  • Item purchased (e.g., Sonic-FX™ Duo or Sonic-FX™ Solo)
  • Copy of your Amazon receipt, if available

We must be able to locate your purchase information in our database in order to determine if your Amazon purchase was from Sonic-FX™.