In order to determine if your purchase is covered under the 90-day warranty, we must be able to locate your purchase in our database or you may be required to provide proof-of-purchase from an authorized seller. To report an issue with your Sonic-FX™ and to find out if your purchase is covered, simply start a new ticket by clicking here. Please provide the following information with your ticket:

  • Proof-of-Purchase from an authorized seller
  • Ship-to address on the original order (if not shown on the Proof-of-Purchase)
  • Current ship-to address, if different

  • For models that include a charging base:

            1 photo of your Sonic-FX™ Toothbrush, on the charging base

            1 photo of the charging base, showing the charging peg

            1 photo of the bottom of the toothbrush wand that sits over the charging peg

  • UV Sanitizer models, in addition to the above photos, please include:

            1 photo of the UV Sanitizer open

  • USB models, please include:

            1 photo of both ends of the USB charging cord

            1 photo of the USB charging port on the wand

If you warranty is valid and you qualify for a possible repair or replacement, you will be provided with a Return Merchandise Authorization form and asked to return the toothbrush to us with all of the original contents. Once we receive the item back, it will go through a quick inspection and we will contact you to follow up.